Ephemeral Wings
“swollen, iridescent, reeling, spin then fall, sailing on my own split tail.”
(Benson F)
My current practice experiments with sustainable, eco-friendly alternative photographic approaches and materiality gleaned from domestic home life and the natural world to produce my biophilic ‘photographic’ art. Collaborating with the local ephemeral waterside invertebrates with a particular focus on Ephemeroptera (Mayflies)
For 300 million years mayfly species have been relying on clean, aquatic environment to complete their lifecycle. However, due to climate change, sewage and habitat loss they are now under threat.
Using low toxic canal side plant emulsions creating anthotypes, recycled materiality, and digital photography I aimed to capture the mayfly’s ephemerality. Retracing textures and patterns of wings and bodies using digital paper negatives and gelli plates on to repurposed fabric and wallpaper, the mayfly’s performative ‘last dance’ and their death is recreated. By highlighting ‘biophilic art’ I hope to encourage empathy and engagement with the environment.
Biophilia “the urge to affiliate with other forms of life”
(Wilson E)